An Introduction

‘This I know from heaven’

These words are perhaps, a curious title for a website.
They appear in a book, penned undoubtedly with the use of a quill,
during the middle of the 18th century, in Latin.

On the face of it, these facts seem to detach this book
from our modern times,
but the quotation that appears on the title page of this site,
and the book from which it is taken,
Emanuel Swedenborg’s ‘Arcana Caelestia’ or Secrets of Heaven,
continue to be in print to this day.

What prompted him to write with such certainty?

Swedenborg describes himself as being called by the Lord
to write down the ‘Heavenly Doctrine’ for a new Christianity.
He devoted the last 28 years of his life to performing this task,
publishing 35 theological volumes.
Recording that all the instruction he received
came from the Lord alone, while he was reading the Word (the Bible),
he firmly founded all his ‘Writings’ on that Book.

My purpose in creating this site is not to crowd it with further details ~
there are many opportunities to discover these elsewhere.
My purpose is simply to let the words speak for themselves.
Here then, are a selection of quotations from the Word of the Lord
and from the Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg,
who called himself a ‘servant of the Lord Jesus Christ’.

Colour and imagery have long played an important part in my life
in combining these quotations with a love of art and photography,
my hope is that you, as I, will find something to guide you in life
and inspire you.
A light shining into this often dark world.
A light from heaven, that is, from the Lord.

‘Light from heaven is the enlightenment of the understanding,
as light from the world is to the sight.’
~ Emanuel Swedenborg ~



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